Our Customers

Our Customers

                 Our company has a breadth of experience encompassing all sectors of the industry from small and large privately owned companies, government enterprises, to international humanitarian organizations. After years of delivering high performance for various organizations we are still striving to add more values for our customers. One of our notable experience is in ECX where we manage over 1100 labour forces for various job positions such as Security Guard, Security Marshal/ Commodity Escort Service/ Weighing Bridge Technician, Mezo Awechi, Sorter, Office Assistant and Cleaner for over three years now. Some of our prominent customers include:-


Type of Services Provided

Contact Person

Meta Abo Share Company (Diageo)

Loading/Unloading Crates, Cleaning, Provision of Messengers, Forklift Operators, Supervisors & Truck Assistants, Warehouse Operation in  2 warehouses (Issuing goods, receiving goods, loading offloading, rebagging and restacking, fumigation and spraying)

Janet (Office Manager)


ALLE Bejimla, (Ethiopian Trading Enterprise)

Loading/Unloading Commodities, Cleaning, Security Guarding & Gardening Services

Mr Dereje, Tel +2519-359-866-42

World Food Program

Commodities Loading/Unloading, re-bagging, reconditioning, fumigation, & restacking

MR Abdu (Logistics)


Ethiopian Commodity Exchange

Security Guarding, Cleaning , Security Marshal, Scale Man, Office Runner And Mezo Laborers (for more than four years and going on)

Addis Ababa,  Telephone  Mrs Yewbdar 0115547001,

Fax 011-5-54-70-10,

UNICEF Addis Ababa

Car washing  and provision of office assistants, data base assistants, senior clerks, warehouse assistants, (for more than three years and going on)

Mr Sebastian Muzuma

Addis Ababa, Telephone 011-5-51-51-55,

Fax 0115511628, P.O.Box 1169

East Africa Bottling S.Co.

Provision of Office assistants product checkers, truck drivers, office attendants and manifest clerks, V track officers, Surveyors, route designers, Cleaner.

Mr Biruk Adugna Addis Ababa, Telephone 0112776450/Mobile:0911091182

Our Customers


Type of Services Provided

Contact Person

Ethiopian Rail Ways Corporation Gardening Cleaning, & Security Guarding Services Mr. Abraham Bekele Addis Ababa,Telephone:0116615833/188165

Email: erc.org@ethionet.et

Debre-Birhan Referral Hospital  Cleaning Service   
National alcohol Security service Mr. Belete Ebsa

Addis Ababa,  Telephone:0115159370,Email: nationalalcohol@gmail.com

Muger ciment factory Security service  Mr ketema Demse,

Addis Ababa Telephone:0114421480

Ethiopian Railways Corporation Cleaning Guarding and Gardening Services MR. Desta (General Service)


Ethiopian Railways Training Institute Cleaning and Gardening Services MR. Tekola, (Director of Institute)
